leifr - fotogalleri / leifr - photo gallery

Gamle familiebilleder/ Old family photos

1940 ? Harry Brandt and Cleo Applegate, Jens Houtved and Mabel Brandt and their children Arlene og Dewane
Nøgleord: arlene_houtwed;cleo_applegate;dewane_houtved;harry_brandt;jens_houtwed;mabel_brandt;USA

1940 ? Harry Brandt and Cleo Applegate, Jens Houtved and Mabel Brandt and their children Arlene og Dewane

3__album_foto_33_05.jpg 3__album_foto_34_03.jpg 1__album_13_02.jpg 1__album_13_03.jpg Margret2C_Helen_Kelson2C_Mabel2C_Jens2C_Dewane2C_Arlene_Houtwed2C_Harry___Cleo_Brandt.jpg Hanne_og_Mathias_med_born_ca__1910_28Ancestry29.jpg IMG_00023a_Claras_svigermor_Eva.jpg IMG_00024b_bagside.jpg 2__album_18_00.jpg
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Fil informationer
Album navn:Leif / Gamle billeder / old pictures
Nøgleord:arlene_houtwed / cleo_applegate / dewane_houtved / harry_brandt / jens_houtwed / mabel_brandt / USA
Filstørrelse:25 KiB
Dato for tilføjelse:%21 %429, %2015
Dimensioner:370 x 273 pixels
Vist:30 gange
Favoriter:Tilføj til Favoriter
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