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Gamle familiebilleder/ Old family photos

1910 Arza Elbra Clabaugh and Eleonor Jane Drain and children
Nøgleord: mary_clabaugh;clara_clabaugh;ada_clabaugh;harry_clabaugh;arza_elbra_clabaugh;ira_clabaugh;arza_elbra_ jr._clabaugh;eleonor_jane_drain;eleonor_clabaugh

1910 Arza Elbra Clabaugh and Eleonor Jane Drain and children

2__album_foto_07_00_Side_07_ed.jpg 2__album_foto_08_03.jpg 2__album_foto_09_01.jpg 2__album_foto_20_04.jpg 2__album_foto_41_04.jpg 3__album_foto_03_03.jpg 3__album_foto_26_03.jpg 3__album_foto_32_01.jpg 1__album_foto_01_04.jpg
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Fil informationer
Album navn:Leif / Billeder
Nøgleord:mary_clabaugh / clara_clabaugh / ada_clabaugh / harry_clabaugh / arza_elbra_clabaugh / ira_clabaugh / arza_elbra_ jr._clabaugh / eleonor_jane_drain / eleonor_clabaugh
Filstørrelse:377 KiB
Dato for tilføjelse:%23 %560, %2016
Dimensioner:1296 x 899 pixels
Vist:13 gange
Favoriter:Tilføj til Favoriter
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